About Me

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Chicago, IL, United States
I'm Danny. I've got a job as an English teacher in Gwangju, South Korea! I grew up in Chicago in America, and some day I might go back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lots has happened.

Well.  Lots has happened in the last month.  For starters, I decided I was tubby.  Not like, obese or anything, but definitely all the korean cuisine I've been enjoying had caught up with me.  So.  What's a fat, ex-highschool wrestler to do?  Simple--CRASH DIET!!
Enter good old affectionately named Danorexia, fast forward 1 month, and I'm down 20 lbs.  Mission accomplished.

I also decided it was high time I started taking active steps to further my skills in martial arts, and so I took the time to enroll in a Hapkido class.  This is similar to taekwondo, but it is less focused on competition, and more focused on self defense, and actually being useful in real life situations.  The prices aren't bad at all either: foreigners get a sweet 1/2 price discount, and what that means is that I'm rocking some quality training for only 50,000 KRW (about $40) a month!  Not too shabby.  Here's a video of what this stuff looks like when performed by someone who knows what they're doing.  Fast forward to like 2 minutes in if you wanna see them doing cool things:

Also, fall has fully hit korea in full force.  It's really pretty here, and it's got me excited for SNOWBOARDING.  Being from Chicago, I never really lived near mountains (dont count montana... I was dumb and never utilized that), and I'm gonna take full advantage of it this winter!  It's gonna be AWESOME!

But anyway, life's still rockin out, and I'll be sure to continue writing things down here, hopefully a little more frequently.  Til next time~

1 comment:

Abby Beissinger said...