Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm fiiinally moving!

So.  The time has come for me to leave my appartment.  I'm moving into a better one that is not 90 minutes away from my school.  This one is only a 5 or 10 minute walk!  Ohhh Yeah! Also this one will only be one floor.  Which I think is a good thing.  Also, it will have some of those traditional sliding oriental doors, and a bedroom, a big bathroom, and a living room/kitchen.  It's also got a sweet spot I can keep my bikes that is part of the closet and washing machine room.  All together, it looks like it'll be awesome!  It's also not even finished being built yet!  But they will finish in 3 days I think, so I will move in then!  Exciting!  I promise I will upload pictures when they're done too!  Maybe another video? =D

But.  Also, MY COMPUTER IS FIXED!!  Good god it's been annoying.  Seriously, I've done all my online things either at school, or on my phone.  It gets reeeeally irritating to browse the internet on a 3.5" screen... Blech.  But the only problem is that I now need to pick the computer up.  And that's faaaar away.  Oh well.  I'll take the bus for 2 hours I guess...

Which brings me to my next point.  Maybe I will buy a car?  I can get one for like 1000 bucks, and insurance is only 300 dollars for the whole year.  So maaaaybe I could snag one for my trips into seoul?  I'm not sure yet if I'm going to, but I do know that I'm pretty bored of the whole bus situation here.  There's just too much time wasted doing nothing but sitting--and when there's so much to do in Korea, that's the last thing I wanna be doing.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I Made Business Cards! ...And I went to teacher training finally!

So How many jobs demand the best performance from you for a whole month and a half, and THEN send you to orientation and training?


Actually it's not that bad a system, because you sort of learn the ropes, and find out what to expect before going.  Then you can have a whole slew of questions by the time you show up.  And so that's what it was like for me.  I didn't really learn too much more about how to be a successful teacher I thought....... but it definitely seems like the kids are better behaved now, when compared to before I went.  So maybe it helped?

Another pretty freaking--no, REALLY awesome thing has happened.  I MADE BUSINESS CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So now, not only am I a legitimate professional, but I have a card to give to drunk salary men that proves it!  The style in korea is to have your card be two sided, with the english version on one side, and the korean version on the other.  All in all, I think it's pretty sweet looking, but why don't YOU be the judge and leave a comment about it?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Click on my ads!

So I have these annoying ads on my blog, but they make a surprising amount of money for me if you just click on them!  Like seriously, that's it! 

If everyone who looks at the blog clicks one ad, I'm not kidding, I'll have beer money for a month! 

So... click the ads? 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well um finally fixing my computer

So I can't promise anything, but I will try to get my computer fixed today. I'm venturing into Seoul as I type this on my phone, and I currently don't have any Korean friend comig with me... Hope the apple store speaks some English!
But anyway, this weeks been prett crazy! I sorta had gotten behind a work the first month cause of being new and not habit a solid grasp of how everything worked. So this week had been dedicated to catching up!! It worked, but boy was it busy! Also all that socalizing has finally started to be paying off, and I had dinner with dates and friends EVERY night last week! I'm pretty happy forthe weekend to be able to catch up on some rest.
I think I'm going to post my one month impressions of living inthe culture here when I have a bit more time, and when I can type with more than just my thumbs...(it's surprisingly tiring for them!!). It's almost all good impressions, and will perhaps do a better job of explaining why I like it here so much!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Went for another bike ride

Well, I went for more bike riding today! It was a shorter ride because I'm not really sure where to go in this country yet... But still fun! The weather was freaking awesome! I actually ended up at an army base somehow and saw all these official looking Koreans standing guard. Pretty cool.

Well one more week went by with my computer still sick. I really should stop being a dummy and get it fixed... It's just that Seoul is sooo far away! (only like an hour; but there's so many funner things to do besides getting a computer fixed on a Saturday...). So again this is coming from my phone. Bah.

Hopefully everyone's Easter went well!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Portible bike shops!!

So I'm currently out doing a bike ride, and what do I see? A portable bike shop!! Waaaa!!! Korea's awesome! They sell ramen and a ton of other stuff too! EVEN KOREAN WINE!!!!! Waaaa!

- Posted from my iPhone