Monday, June 21, 2010


Really quick note:  I'm going to visit china.  Details are pending, but comment if you have any suggestions.

Korea is still beautiful

Man, every time I go for a bike ride here, I always love how beautiful the scenery is.  Yesterday I went for another ride, and decided to stop and take a picture.  Then I decided that a picture would suck for demonstrating what the place looked like, so I changed my mind and took a video!  It's real short, but I hope it gives you an idea of what the scenery is like.  PS:  the ENTIRE COUNTRY looks like this... and lots of places are better!!!

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ENTIRE country loo

Sunday, June 20, 2010

English Festival!!!

Well, this past week, my school had an english festival!! It was essentially just a bunch of english performances where every kid sang songs, made speeches, or answered trivia questions. Some of the performances were really awesome though. I figure that it would be better to just upload all the stuff I saw, rather than explain it. It might be better this way, because I just know I can't give it justice...

This is a science poster that one of the grade 5 students made.  Chemically speaking, as well as english wise, this thing is perfect.  I have a feeling he will cure cancer...

These kids have serious skills!'s only memorized.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My birthday, hiking, and summer weather...

So, It's been a long time since I posted much here.  Sorry bout that, I've been pretty busy.  On June 1st, I had my birthday!  It was nice and Koreans celebrate birthdays in the same way we do in America.  Nice! My teachers got me a cake, and we ate it together.  It was tasty.  Then, my friends got me another cake later and I ate that too!  It was also delicious!
The day after my birthday, I did a pretty epic hike over like 5-6 mountains, that covered 25km and took 8 hours!  This country is really beautiful.

Following the birthday, I had a party a few days later where we tried to barbecue with a grill I have.  At first, we tried to do this in the park, but I found out that no fires are allowed ANYWHERE IN KOREA!!!  So we went back to my apartment and had a party in my house.  It got kind of noisy and my landlord came and asked us to be quiet, but it wasnt that bad.  I had a korean friend talk with her!

Since then, I've been riding my bike, riding my scooter, going to korean class, and really not all that much else that is significantly different than the past 3 months...  At the same time, everything is so significantly different from my life 4 months ago, that it might be an understatment to say things have been normal...Either way, the weather is getting hot~  I hear korea's temperatures in the summer are similar to chicago, but that they have MUCH more humidity... Damn.  At least my apartment has AC!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Delivery scooter!!

This definitely makes my bike look stereotypical... That's chicken in the back! ^^

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I bought a motorcycle

I decided all this walking and bus taking was getting old.  So I bought a Daelim Citi Ace 110 motorcycle.

Now, calling it a motorcycle is kind of a stretch... but it's got gears and rides like a motorcycle, and is really fun!  As an added plus (maybe a minus) it's the exact same scooter used by ALL the delivery men!!  It tops out at around 120km/h which is plenty fast for me, and lets me get out of the city into some really pretty areas of the country!  Sweeeet