Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My birthday, hiking, and summer weather...

So, It's been a long time since I posted much here.  Sorry bout that, I've been pretty busy.  On June 1st, I had my birthday!  It was nice and Koreans celebrate birthdays in the same way we do in America.  Nice! My teachers got me a cake, and we ate it together.  It was tasty.  Then, my friends got me another cake later and I ate that too!  It was also delicious!
The day after my birthday, I did a pretty epic hike over like 5-6 mountains, that covered 25km and took 8 hours!  This country is really beautiful.

Following the birthday, I had a party a few days later where we tried to barbecue with a grill I have.  At first, we tried to do this in the park, but I found out that no fires are allowed ANYWHERE IN KOREA!!!  So we went back to my apartment and had a party in my house.  It got kind of noisy and my landlord came and asked us to be quiet, but it wasnt that bad.  I had a korean friend talk with her!

Since then, I've been riding my bike, riding my scooter, going to korean class, and really not all that much else that is significantly different than the past 3 months...  At the same time, everything is so significantly different from my life 4 months ago, that it might be an understatment to say things have been normal...Either way, the weather is getting hot~  I hear korea's temperatures in the summer are similar to chicago, but that they have MUCH more humidity... Damn.  At least my apartment has AC!

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