Monday, March 15, 2010

Bargaining and shopping

Just a short post before classes start again.

Things are still going pretty solid here!  Classes are smooth, and the kids are good.  I've been doing some shopping for clothes the past few days, and I've learned that Korea's interesting.  They're kind of a mixed country, with some people being really rich and some people not so much.  So depending on where I go to buy my clothes makes a BIG difference in price!  I'm currently wearing a pretty nice dress shirt I bought for 5 bucks, but if I went to a department store, I'd be spending about 50 bucks for the same thing.  It's all about the bargaining too!  People tend to see a westerner and try to charge me more money sometimes... but almost always I can get a (sometimes significant) discount if I offer a lower price in Korean.  I looove bargaining, so it's fine!  It actually makes shopping fun!

Over the weekend I hit up a big mountain near Seoul National University.  All of the mountains here are smaller than america--the biggest one is like 1600 meters (around 5000 feet)  but they've still got some exposed rock, and are a blast to climb!
We also went to a Noribang (kareoke room) again with like 10 people so it was an adventure in itself.

Later today, all the male teachers are going out for dinner (probably drinking too) and it should be fun.  Since they're older then me, they'll probably only speak in Korean, so it should be good practice to get some listening skills down!

Let me know if you've got specific questions about life here too!  I'll be quite happy to fill ya in on anything!  Catch ya'll later!

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