Sunday, April 4, 2010

Went for another bike ride

Well, I went for more bike riding today! It was a shorter ride because I'm not really sure where to go in this country yet... But still fun! The weather was freaking awesome! I actually ended up at an army base somehow and saw all these official looking Koreans standing guard. Pretty cool.

Well one more week went by with my computer still sick. I really should stop being a dummy and get it fixed... It's just that Seoul is sooo far away! (only like an hour; but there's so many funner things to do besides getting a computer fixed on a Saturday...). So again this is coming from my phone. Bah.

Hopefully everyone's Easter went well!


Anonymous said...

of course your computer is sick... Apple has incentive to make it get sick. The more it gets sick, the more likely you are to give them money to repair it or to buy a new one altogether.

Its just like how now that Windows 7 is out, people with XP are getting messages every few days telling them that their computers will automatically restart in 5:00 to update their software unless they click cancel. If you get enough of those messages you are bound to get fed up with your computer and decide to shell out big bucks for a new one.

Do the smart thing... wipe your hard drive, install a free unix-like operating system, and enjoy a healthy computer.


Anonymous said...

Renee got a job.


Danny Beis said...

A.) I'm happy for Renee.

B.) I still have applecare for my mac so it's all good.
C.) Timtron I'm going to stab you.
D.) I might buy an ipad

Anonymous said...

ipad is the worst product to come out in the last 10 years (since the cube).