Sunday, June 20, 2010

English Festival!!!

Well, this past week, my school had an english festival!! It was essentially just a bunch of english performances where every kid sang songs, made speeches, or answered trivia questions. Some of the performances were really awesome though. I figure that it would be better to just upload all the stuff I saw, rather than explain it. It might be better this way, because I just know I can't give it justice...

This is a science poster that one of the grade 5 students made.  Chemically speaking, as well as english wise, this thing is perfect.  I have a feeling he will cure cancer...

These kids have serious skills!'s only memorized.


Abby Beissinger said...


meat ball meat ball!

Jenny said...

I love the Mama Mia dancers! I swear they did Abby's move, the head/winkety!