Saturday, March 20, 2010

MORE Pictures! Hiking and teacher party

Last weekend I went out hiking with my friend Derek, and a korean guy named Peter.  Peter speaks really good english and we've been hanging out a lot.  Plus he's using his connections here to get me an Iphone, which is pretty cool!

The mountains in korea are a lot smaller than the rockies or sierras in america, but things are still really pretty.  Here's the proof...

So there's like a zillion people who hike in Korea.  These people are ALL going to the mountain...  Good thing we decided to go to the less crowded one.

Korea's pretty.

Thats my friend, Derek.  He's the one who got me the job, and a frequent hiking partner.

So this weekend has been pretty sweet too!  Friday night we had a big dinner for school because there are like 10 new teachers, including!  So we all went out to dinner, which consisted of the usual "old people get drunk and try to get the young people drunk too" thing.  I managed to avoid the old teachers enough to avoid getting completely drunk =) 
Following the dinner, we all definitely went to a Kareoke room.  All 50 of us.  For the record, I'm the 2nd youngest teacher at the school, and almost everyone is at least 40.  In korea it's a little different though, and partying with older coworkers is pretty freakin awesome.  They definitely got more into the singing than anyone else I've been with, and reeally loved it when I busted out Help!  by the beatles. 

For the record, the principal definitely made me dance with him.  Haha, I mean like swing dance style.  I love my job!

Honestly tell me you don't want to get to know a guy with a face like that?

Yup--like I said--they reeeeeally get into the singing.  It's pretty hardcore.

But anyway, things continue to go very well here!  The school has finally accepted me as a "good" foreigner, which means things are a lot more relaxed and have a better flow at work now.  Life is pretty sweet at the moment, and I'm expecting things to keep up like this. 


1 comment:

Abby Beissinger said...

I wish I went to a old people party and sang with them