Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pictures will come soon...

Well, I did take a bunch of pictures...
And I did upload them to my computer...
But I don't have the internet on that computer to do anything with them!  So I promise they'll come soon.

I've been busy though!  Life here does move fast!  There's a Korean word, "Pallae"  that means "hurry!"  and it kinda describes the flow of things here!  It's alright though cause I'm just fine with moving quickly! 
I've been teaching for 3-4 days now, and the kids are awesome.  The only difference here versus the US is that before I'd use sarcasm and jokes to get them to laugh and convey humor but now I gotta use grunts and body language.  It works pretty well =)  You'd be surprised by how much you can get across to someone with just a few grunts and points and actions!  For the record I'm gonna be pretty fantastic at sharades when I get back home!  I've also started working in some broken korean when I'm teaching.  This also goes super far in helping teach!

Anyway, I met up with my friend Derek Laan from Purdue, Indiana this weekend!  He's the one who suggested I come out here to teach, and it was nice to finally catch up with him!  He's been learning Korean like it's going outta style, so it was good hanging out with him because he can communicate with people waaay better than I can!  I met a bunch of his friends too, and we all had fun!  Friday night I went north of Seoul and stayed with one of Derek's friends where we went out and ate barbecue, then went to a "shooting room" which was like a arcade room where you shoot at ping pong balls with a BB gun.  Pretty crazy man.  We drank some soju after that with his friends and ended up going to sleep pretty late!

The next day we went to buy some supplies for me, and I GOT A PHONE!!  This is a big deal, because before that, I'd just been living off a piece of paper and email.  I know, I know--I'm a nerd and I feel naked without a phone.  Derek's friend Peter gave it to me, and it's really old and may break soon, but until I get my Alien Registration Card, It's all I got!  It's kinda cool though, because it's got this "Cow" skin on it, and the korean word for cow sounds like "so".  So I tell people it's my "so phone" =D  It takes them a sec to realize I'm speaking korean, and not misspeaking "cell phone"!

After I got the phone, we met up with two of Derek's friends who are Canadian english teachers, and went up and climbed a big mountain in Seoul!  It was probably about 300M tall, and gave a fantastic view of Seoul from the top.  I'll include the pictures when I post next.  (Seoul is pretty freakin huge)

After that we met up with like 6 other people (all korean, except for one girl named Sophia from Katar!) and then went out to dinner.  As always it was mega tasty, but after that the fun really started!  I had my virgin trip to a "Noribang" which is VERY popular in Korea!  It's directly translated into a "singing room"  and it's pretty much a collection of 5 or 6 private karaoke rooms you go in with your friends and sing in!  Ours was (seriously) called "Shitty Noribang!"  It could have been a coincidence that its korean name just sounded like the english "shitty" ...but then again... =D

Anyway, I'm actually going to be moving to Gwangju after all.  The lease is up in Pundang in a month, and I could stay there, but the commute is sometimes 1.5 hours!!!  Way too Long!!!  It's also SUPER EXPENSIVE in Bundang.  So I'm gonna move to Gwangju where my school is.  There's a ton of direct buses to Seoul, and pretty much anywhere I want to go.  Anywhere I can't get to by bus, I'm planning on getting a motorcycle too--so that should cover my bases. 

So next post, I'll upload the pictures.  They're pretty sweet I think =)


Abby Beissinger said...

pahahahh this is great

Jackie Olszewski said...

Im agreeing with Abo on this one!
Sounds like everything is going well over there. you have to update me on the fashionista thing as well asap. :D
Danny this all sounds so exciting to live in Korea! but im def guna miss the 2 main beissingers this summer!