I remember back in high school when my foreign language teacher, a lovely woman named "Frau Ewald" use to use a stuffed animal she called Ralf der Rat! He helped with dialogs and answered questions in a funny voice and what not. Now at the time, I thought she was an idiot and it was just a dumb idea and a gimmick. Man oh man was I wrong!
Now I personally have 3 stuffed animals that I use to teach with! They're AWESOME! They all have different voices, different personalities, and they keep the kids focused. Perhaps the best use of them though, is as a projectile to throw at an unsuspecting sleeping child =D See, their soft fluffy exterior makes them the perfect weapon to ward off "english class bordem!"
Listed from left to right, we have...
MIGHTY MOUSE!!! Dwegi Tokki Montgomery!!!
(Pig Rabbit in Korean)
Basically... I couldn't teach without them!!
Our Lives in Japan
6 years ago
Haha Dorno, that's hilarious! Reminds me of Frau, but also of Mr. Bertoletti who would use chalk as projectiles to throw across the room. I'm a big fan of throwing stuff at students :) Genius :) You've gotta be a teacher when you come back to the states, it sounds like you're terrific at it!
Haha, they probably think you're an idiot too bud ;-) JK, sounds like you're having a blast over there; keep it up!
Danny ist immer im lala land!!!
Oh you should start using that phrase, I bet they would love learning some GERMAN too!!
Also I think you should email Frau and tell her how much you love her technique.
Also this sounds really really fun!!
ps Jenny is cray to the crayyyy!
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